Saturday, February 28, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009

Emo Girl: Get Over It! (Wyld! Texture)

ok... am feeling better today, but still not up to snuff...

today, made Wyld!....

uses displacement maps, and has - as far as i know - the first use of "fuzzy lace"

Aiko 3 today is wearing Kasha Skin (character dialed by me), Cool Coils, and Visions - all available at Daz, as is the Mil Big Cat.

Emo Girl: Get Over It! - Raging Texture

Well, I still haven't finished my homework, but am at a standstill for the moment on how to interpret "Time is Money" using the items given me.

And, been sickies, so not felt up to anything much... until today.

came up with an idea for a texture pack for the A3 Emo Girl Outfit available at daz.

Introducing the First in the Pack to be called:
Get Over It!


Aiko 3 today is wearing the Yare skin by Marie17, LA Hair by Aery Soul, and her morphs were dialed by me.

on a side note: examine closely the bumps... the dress actually appears to be woven, and is that REAL leather trim and boots? Nah, but coulda fooled ya!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Garden's Guardian

Was working on a few tutorials tonight... one was making it look like a magnifying glass was actually magnifying... i took it a step further and used liquify tool to "bulge" the image being magnified. I also cheated, and combined two different 3D Renders. The magnifying glass didnt come out well no matter what I did, so ignore the fact it looks cheesy =D

He Loves Me... Not?

Sad Lil Aiko....

Friday, February 13, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

WIP: The Creation of Me

I have one in the works... called The Creation of Me, and its based loosely on "The Creation of Adam".... I can't wait to share it =D

Background - Freebie

A background for whatever you can think of... Please credit Midnight Moon Designs if you use it commercially. Click on image to enlarge, right-click, save-as.

Brushes used: Patslash - Wild Feathers, Frozenstar - Grunge Brushes & Edges; 5DS - Tattoos Digital Flash 3

Friday, February 6, 2009

Classwork, Lesson 3, Con't

1. Saved as a working document

2. duplicated background layer so i would have an original to look at

3. used healing brush set to "replace" to eliminate dog in background

4. Used healing brush set to normal to correct strange edges previous tool left behind & add a bit of grass to "corner" of drive, as well as correcting patches of grass in foreground

5. "snapshot"

6. sponge, saturate - foreground grass
7. didn't like it, reverted. Tried a few methods, came back to sponge - saturate, flow set to 40%, and turned vibrance off.

8. snapshot

9. used above sponge settings on trees to see...

10. liked it, took a snapshot

11. same tool (sponge - saturate), on horse & dog, then used same tool set to desaturate to reduce some color around them, to make them stand out more

12. healing brush, set to replace to get rid of trailer & horse trainer, and then normal mode to "ease" the edges

13. snapshot


15.switched back and forth between Patch and Healing brush(es) to eliminate the bit of car, and the rest of the girl on the right, and make a lovely bush border for the drive, eliminate the shock collar on the dog....

16. Saved for web, 70% quality

17. Saved .psd

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Classwork, lesson 3 =D

I still have to do the "for credit" assignments - these were the ones from the book, and the fawn one was one we were given to practice on. we're still working on touching up & repairs - for instance, Yukimi there had a torn corner of the photo. the climber had graffitti & bolt holes, Dude had lots of wrinkles (and apparently protested this fact), and the lawn where the girls are petting the fawn was pretty spotty... too much salt for the salt lick to woo the fawn I suppose!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Field Guide

Kinda struck my tickle bone... to have a little dragon be a field guide to a field guide about dragons...

that a faerie is using!

Monday, February 2, 2009


True strength is carrying on, even in the face of sheer exhaustion... there is no "can not"... there is only "DO".

Poser 7
Vue 7 Inf
Photoshop CS4 Ext.

The Divine Creatrix

With my thanks to the Universe... the Divine Creator/Creatrix...

This is the melody of my universal song...

i create worlds.

i create my world.