Sunday, April 25, 2010

Summertime fun Playwear for K4 Basicwear

well... i must be nuts!

15 basic types, each type split into black & white, each of those split into three... total of 90 different variations on the shirts so far LOL.


Ok, this one - ignore shirt color... the saying on the front carries over to the back....

the rest are just different ones....

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Girl Power! for Skateboarder K4

 Girl power! for Skateboarder K4

Let your little tomboys express themselves with the Girl Power! texture expansion set for the Kids 4 skateboarders outfit, available at Daz.  Durable and easily washed fabrics are perfect for those rough and tumble moments, while the little touches proclaim to the world that this is more than just an active kid!

This expansion set was made possible with the assistance of the Power Girl group - 5 little girls who are best friends.  Their families call them the Power Girls because when they are all together, they have more energy than the sun.  Each outfit was designed with the personalities of the girls in mind - powerful, yet in some cases, subtle.

Rajiah is the "girliest" in the group, yet she is always up for a good game of tackle the boys!  Whatever you do, however - don't mess up her hair!  The pink camo shows off her feminine warrior qualities; the same qualities that make her an excellent natural leader.

Nadi is as shy and quiet as the butterflies her outfit portrays.  Hers is a very subtle power, and lies more in effecting changes outside the range of the others.  Even something as quiet as a butterfly flapping its wings can cause great changes across the world...

Arona is an artist... or will be when she grows up.  Right now, she simply decorates everything in sight.  Follow a trail of glitter and glue and she's usually at the end of it.  She loves all the colors and even at such a tender age, has already grasped that art can be a powerful tool, and color an emotion-enhancer.

Daisy, like Nadi, tends to be shy, but she'll talk to anyone about plants and gardening.  She's happiest digging in the dirt and chasing her friends with the worms she finds there.  She's really excited, because this year, her mommy said she could have her own area in the yard to grow things in.  Of course, that required a new outfit....

The 5th member of the Girl Power! team is a faerie.  Namaste got in a fight with a little boy faerie and tore one of his wings.  Her punishment was for her wings to be transformed into tiny nubs on her back, and she must live her life this way.  There is hope, however, as they will return to their full glory if she can ever master the path of peaceful power.  Once she does, she must never stray, or she will lose her wings forever.  She has already learned that peace and love will open doors - even those to the human realms - that are locked to others.

In this pack, you will receive textures for the Shirt, Shorts, Socks, and Shoes that come in the Skateboarder outfit set from Daz.  There are 5 variations: Butterfly Power, Color Power, Flower Power, Peaceful Power, and Power Princess.  Each set has been given individual attention, and has its own bump/spec/disp maps; in several cases, the maps were hand-drawn to give the best possible detail.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Peaceful Power

 The 5th member of the Girl Power! team is... a faerie?

She lost her wings, though.  You see, she got in a fight with a little boy faerie and tore one of his wings.  Her punishment is for her to live life without her wings, as they were transformed into tiny little nubs on her back.  She has to learn the path of peace and master it before they will automatically transform back into their full glory... however, if she ever strays, they will once more vanish.
---- 5th texture set in the Girl Power! Pack for Skateboarder K4 =D

Monday, April 19, 2010

Modern Power

ok, work in progress title LOL... not sure yet WHAT it'll be called...

shoes and socks are not textured yet...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Butterfly Power! for Girl Power! (Skateboarder K4)

Another texture set I'm working on for the Skateboarder outfit for the Kids 4.  Why should the guy get the really cool comfy clothes and the gals be stuck in dresses?  With the texture sets in Girl Power! you'll be able to expand your options, and your little gal will thank you for the feminine touches.


.... for lack of a better title.  LOL.

Another K4, this time with the vintage girl dress, with sleeves, ruffles, and trims removed.

Friday, April 16, 2010

the coolest commercial ever.... grab a kleenex!

 Ok, this is the first time I've ever posted another person's work on my blog, but this is just too cool not to share....

Daphne Fae

18 hour render in Vue.... yeesh.

On a personal note... if my Aunt was a fae as a child, I imagine she'd be as cute as this one is... Daphne Fae IS named after my aunt.  My mom calls daffodils "daphne-down-dillys" ... so, I guess you can now see why... and how... I ended up equating my Aunt with such pretty flowers....

Candlelit Jade

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Power Princess

Power Princess, set 1 of Girl Power! for Kids 4 Skateboarder =D

Made for the tomboy who still loves to be a girl!  Comfortable clothes for those rough & tumble moments coupled with bright sparkly fabrics makes this an instant favorite for your little one!

Don't worry, I'll make it better....

My mommy made cookies, and I'll share if you wanna.

Introducing Daz's newest "family members" - The Kids 4.  Long awaited, much sought.... and I am sooo happy they came home to live with me!  Oh... lil man is upset cus I took away his skateboard - silly boy wanted to jump those steps without knee or elbow pads, or even a helmet!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Attitude (Aka: Caption This Image)

Being the sort of person I am... I went completely brain-dead when it came to a good title/caption for this one.  It looks like she's trying to make SOME kind of point.... but what is it?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Never Swim Alone

Yep, that's V4 - seems she'll make a decent early teen if you push her far enough =D

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Ok, the tree roots and gnarly tree roots I got the other day totally ROCK!  they add a whole new dimension of detail to my work!  The fantasy trees (i'd call them tree TRUNKS, not trees, as they have no leaves LOL) are pretty wicked, too.  You can see the "Handtree" in the forground easily - I covered it in moss =D.  The tree on the rock in the creek is also one of them.  There's a few more in the background that I used in the ecosystems.  Speaking of ecos... I FINALLY figured out why mine went completely loco.  See, I set it up across 4 terrains - and started applying (painting) the items on that way - with all 4 terrains selected.  Then, I cleared it as nothing was showing up on terrains 2, 3, and 4 - only on the 1st one.  Seems, it didnt clear EVERYTHING, and two items were left - and hiding, as I never found them LOL.  So, every time I wanted to change my ecosystem on either of those 4 terrains, I lost EVERYTHING.  After about 5 or so times of starting over YET AGAIN.... I learned to NOT TOUCH THE ECOSYSTEM! LOL.  Well, at this point, I had no idea what had actually caused my problems, but I did discover that new materials could have new ecosystems and not affect my original one... so I ended up creating a riverbed to add pebbles and algea/moss to - the water "movement" helps blur the line between the muddy bottom and the sloping of the terrain.  I added some river rapids to the scene, changed THOSE materials (they seem to "glow" to me).... anyways, all in all, after 2 days of work... I am very VERY happy.

Wish i could find a way to eco-paint loose dirt.....  hmmm, wonder if anyone has loose dirt available....  i think the creekbanks could use some.... on the roots poking out possibly? =D

Friday, April 2, 2010

Spring & Moods of Spring

Spring is starting up here in the cold north!

Moods of Spring