Saturday, April 18, 2009

Injection Pose Builder Mini Tutorial


After seeing people struggle with V4 and Injection Pose Builder, not to mention having to re-teach myself every time I open the program... I decided to write what I call a mini-tutorial to show how _I_ handle V4 and IPB.

Your miles may vary.

First off, make sure that in poser, your "Use External Binary Morph Targets" is UNCHECKED. This wrecks havoc with Victoria 4 and should be off anyway. Victoria 3 and Aiko 3 and the others really don't seem to mind, so go ahead.... get wild!

Anyways... once you have tweaked your character to your heart's content, save her in your figures library where you can find her easily, and name her something you'll remember. Like "MySillyElf" =D

open up Injection Pose Builder

Step 1) The readScript Specific spot - this is the one of two very important settings - make sure you Exclude Entirely!!!!!

Step 2) Chose Inj & Rem or one or the other. If you are doing this for sale... might I recommend both?....

Step 3) Click on Victoria 3 (this is the other very important setting) Wait for her to "parse" (window/step 5)

Step 4) Click on Source File and navigate to your morphed figure.

Step 5) Wait and watch this window. This takes a bit of time depending on how many morphs you had loaded in her to begin with - even the ones you didn't use.

Step 6) When it finishes, click on "Process Options" - if it asks you if you want to save the pose at any time, you can say no - it won't affect it. Watch window/step 5.

Step 7) This window will magically fill up with information. Check it out, make sure its what you want...

Step 8) Save As... This is self-explanatory. i hope. Anyways, save it - if you ticked both inj & rem like I did, then you'll get a few prompts.

Using these settings greatly speeds up this process and eliminates unneeded/useless data from the files. You may want to go back through them manually (using your favorite text editor) and remove anything else you feel irrelevant (IPB adds a few lines of text to the files), making sure not to change the spacing/order.

Once again, your miles may vary, and I hope this helps... if not, then ignore it. =D

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